Declaration of a Piano Mover - July 21, 2022


On a late spring day in May, a 30 year-long dream came true!

3 men stood in my entryway surrounding the over 900 pound sound board of a gorgeous cherry wood baby grand piano. Two were professional movers. The third was my husband who'd gifted me with my first acoustic piano 26 years earlier. (I’d been hoping for an engagement ring at the time but he got around to it eventually!) 
This instrument was a result of much prayer, patience, and specific timing. Its’ former owner was a student of mine for a decade. She’d graduated and moved to the other side of the country into an apartment too small to house it. I was selfishly grateful she did. 
To get the piano up the short staircase to its new resting place in our front room, it took these guys 20 minutes, two attempts, and a near death experience.  Ok, I could be exaggerating, but it was possible in my overactive mind, as I imagined that almost half ton sound board falling backwards, subsequently crushing said husband. 
After re-assembling and tightening the hardware, the movers took a short rest for lemonade. This gave us a chance to chat. The owner, Kerry, had been running this business for most of his life and loved it. To our surprise, we discovered mutual friends in the music industry. 
Then as normal as any comment about the weather or a sporting event, he said he’d been slowing down due to an aggressive cancer invading his body in its' late stages.  He didn’t have long to live, but for as long as possible, he wanted to do what he loved. 😢 
What does one say when mortality so obviously enters the room? I asked the honest, “Are you afraid?”  Without hesitation, Kerry shared the hope that spurred him on - his faith in Christ and salvation.  He had confidence of his Heavenly home where is no sickness.  I was inspired by his testimony and courage. 
Minutes later, it was back to business, wrapping up the paperwork and off to the next job. I didn’t see him again on this side of Heaven, but I know someday I'll watch him walk the streets of gold in Paradise - whole and cancer free! 

Consider:  How have you responded to the subject of death?   Are you prepared to face your own mortality and do you have an answer for your hope? 

I Peter 3:15 says "Always be prepared to give an answer for the reason for the hope you have... do it with gentleness and respect." 

Maybe someone needs to hear about this hope from you today!