Thanks for stopping in! 

Jesus is the living hope that I share through music and creative expression! 

As a wife, mom, musician, writer and lover of people, I seek to make connections to the Creator who designed us, and to the people He made!  Songs and conversations happen anytime, anywhere,  with anyone - in the day to day  - in parking lots, at the gym, grocery store, and on the road.  Opportunities are everywhere! 

My life verse:  I Peter 3:15 "In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you for the reason for the hope you have."     

Click the link in the button for my music page.  *Hear my songs including my  recently released Christmas collection.  

See my delightful children's book (my lullaby song and my daughter's artwork)  Grab the free mp3 download HERE

I look forward to spurring one another on to love, good deeds and BOLD lives of purpose!